Unhealthy Habits
If you would like help to stop or cut down on an unhealthy habit, please see the support and advice available below.
Health Coach Referral
- Do you smoke?
- Have you thought about trying to quit?
- Have you thought about how much alcohol you drink?
- Would you like to increase your exercise?
- Or perhaps you are thinking of eating more healthily?
We can help. Complete this form to speak to our new Health Coach.
If you are a smoker, we strongly advise that you stop.
Links for advice and support:
- HelpMeQuit - NHS free advice and help: www.helpmequit.wales
- NHS Live Well - advice tips and tools: https://www.nhs.uk/live-well/quit-smoking/
This service provides patients with:
- An initial assessment to determine the client’s readiness to stop smoking.
- Motivational interviewing techniques to assist clients in their attempt to stop smoking.
- Weekly supply and support in use of Nicotine Replacement Therapy products to maximise therapeutic benefits.
- Weekly Carbon monoxide monitoring to support a stop smoking attempt.
- Identify clients who need referring, following the local referral pathway.
What you can do to eat well
You know your eating habits better than anyone else. Have they changed? What do you think you can do to improve them? Eating well can help us keep strong, healthy and optimistic and with some planning, make our money go further.
Here are some of the ways people from across Wales are using food to look after themselves and each other:
Peas Please - foodsensewales.org.uk
Links for advice and support:
- Dan 24/7 - a free and confidential helpline: 0808 808 2234 or text 'DAN' to 81066. - dan247.org.uk
- NHS Live Well - advice tips and tools: www.nhs.uk/live-well/alcohol-support
- Alcohol Change - information and support: alcoholchange.org.uk
- Alcohol Anonymous - help and support: 0800 9177 650, alcoholics-anonymous.org.uk
- MIND has a directory of many support resources for addictions: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/addiction-and-dependency/addiction-and-dependency-resources
If you are concerned about your alcohol intake and would like to discuss this with one of our clinicians, please call us.
Links for advice and support:
- DAN 24/7 - a free and confidential helpline: 0808 808 2234 or text 'DAN' to 81066. - dan247.org.uk
- FRANK - Confidential advice and information about drugs, their effects and the law: 0300 123 6600 - talktofrank.com
- MIND has a directory of many support resources for addictions: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/addiction-and-dependency/addiction-and-dependency-resources
If you are concerned about your drug use and would like to discuss this with one of our clinicians, please call us.
Links for advice and support:
- Be Gamble Aware - confidential help and support: www.begambleaware.org
- Gamcare - support, helpline and online forum: 0808 8020 133 - gamcare.org.uk
- Gamblers Anonymous - support groups: gamblersanonymous.org.uk
- MIND has a directory of many support resources for addictions: www.mind.org.uk/information-support/guides-to-support-and-services/addiction-and-dependency/addiction-and-dependency-resources
- Ara - free confidential counselling: 0330 1340 286 - www.recovery4all.co.uk, Ara Poster
Please note that City Surgery is not responsible for the content of any of these websites nor do we endorse them.
Healthy Working Wales
The focus of the Healthy Working Wales programme is changing away from awards towards an enhanced digital offer with a greater emphasis on learning and development tools to help build employers’ skills and capacity – read more here.
Climate Change and Health in Wales: Views from the public
This report presents initial findings from a survey of adult residents in Wales on their perceptions of climate change and health. Whilst work to understand and mitigate climate change is gaining momentum in Wales, there remains a lack of information on population views and behaviours. Such data are critical for the co-creation of effective and acceptable approaches to climate change that help protect public health; the targeting of key messages and information; and the establishment of long-term solutions across Wales that will continue to be supported across multiple generations. To address this gap, a public survey was developed to seek the population’s views about climate change, its relationship with health, their current climate friendly behaviours, their willingness to engage in action, and views on policy solutions. This report presents initial findings from the survey, providing population-level views on climate change among adult residents in Wales.